“I gatti all’ombra della Piramide” Christmas market

Are you an animal lover? Don't miss the "I gatti all’ombra della Piramide" Christmas market from 16th to 17th December.

Do you love Christmas and do you love cats? Then you can't miss this opportunity: near the Pyramid of Cestius, one of the most majestic monuments in the city of Rome, there is the cat colony "I Gatti della Piramide" which organized the feline-themed Christmas market on 16 and 17 December "i gatti all’ombra della Piramide”. The proceeds from the sales, obviously, will be used to care for the colony's cats and to help those in need.

Maybe you don't know it, but Rome and cats have been linked for many years, we can even find traces of it in the works of the ancient Romans and in fact the cat colonies in the city are many, some of them very ancient.

Recently the colony of “I Gatti della Piramide” also received official recognition from the Municipality of Rome as a protected colony.

From 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on 16th and 17th December, therefore, take part in this beautiful initiative of the "i gatti all’ombra della Piramide" Christmas market to help this historic colony.

As you can also see from the photo, below I show you the program of the two days as also reported on the website and on the Facebook page of the colony:

On Saturday 16th at 11:30 a.m. there will be an appointment with Cristina Cautillo, a passionate writer who published "Alfred vivere con un gatto" (ed. Curcio), a novel where men, and their feelings and passions, are told by eyes of a cat without judgments and prejudices.  

Sunday 17th at 11:30 a.m. appointment with Dr. Elena Santini, who tells us how she made her dream come true: communicating with animals, especially wild ones, working towards the recovery of wildlife. Since she was little, in fact, she has created a very deep relationship with animals, and from that moment on they have been nannies, traveling companions, brothers.  

On Saturday at 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. and on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. , there will be guided tours of the Non-Catholic Cemetery (to be booked by sending an email info@igattidellapiramide.it specifying the subject: guided tour of the Cemetery).

The Cat Tour (to be booked by sending an email) on Saturday at 2:00 p.m. info@igattidellapiramide.it specifying the subject: Tour Cat) a way to get to know our resident cats up close but also the stories and "legends" of the cats who lived in the colony with us.

To reach the Pyramid of Cestius from one of the our houses, just take the metro line A (red) to Termini and change to line B (blue) and get off at the Piramide stop. Or you can take the train to the Roma Ostiense stop and walk for about 700 metres. The cat colony is located in Viale del Campo Boario.

Keep in mind that our apartment Peony is pet friendly!

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