Circo Maximo Experience

Relive history through new eyes with the “Circo Maximo Experience”

Circo Maximo Experience

For the entire month of December, enjoy the project of Circo Maximo Experience promoted, organized and curated by Roma Capitale, Zètema Progetto Cultura and GSNET Italia S.r.l /Inglobe Technologies S.r.l.

It is an experience of approximately 40 minutes completely focused on one of the most significant places in the history of Rome: the Circus Maximus, all divided into eight stages: the Valley and the origins of the Circus, the Circus from Julius Caesar to Trajan, the Circus in the imperial age, the Cavea, the Arch of Titus, the shops (tabernae), the Circus in the medieval and modern ages and finally A day at the Circus.

With the help of ONE Zeiss VR for the first time you will be able to see the Circus Maximus in all its historical phases, you will see the life of the ancient Romans pass before your eyes, you will be able to walk among the shops and watch the chariot races.

The route is available in eight languages (Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Japanese) so you will be able to fully appreciate the experience thanks to the stereo headphones included in the ticket price.

If you want to participate with a child under 14 years of age, you will need to fill out a waiver which you can find on the site or directly at the ticket office.

When collecting the audiovisual devices, you will be asked to leave a valid original identity document as a guarantee (no copies).

In case of bad weather the visit will not be carried out, you will receive an email and to change the date or receive a refund you will have to write to the email within 15 days.

Below are the times and costs:

Monday is closed as is December 25th.

From Tuesday to Sunday and on public holidays: from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (every 15 minutes – last entry at 2:50 p.m.)

On December 24th and 31st: from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (every 15 minutes - last entry at 12:50 p.m.).

The cost of the ticket is €12.00 for adults and €10.00 for reduced tickets (under 26, groups of 10 people, MIC Card holders, Roma Pass holders).

To purchase tickets you can go to the website, at one of the Tourist Points (additional presale cost of €1.00), via the call center +39060608 (additional presale cost of €1.00) or directly on site at the ticket office (subject to availability).

The Circus Maximus is easily accessible from our houses: just take metro A (red) to Termini Station and change to line B (blue) to the Circo Massimo stop.

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