100 Presepi in Vaticano

The VI edition of “100 Presepi in Vaticano” is inaugurated on 8 December

100 Presepi in Vaticano

The sixth edition of the exhibition “100 Presepi in Vaticano” will be inaugurated in St. Peter's Square on Friday 8 December at 4 pm.

The international nativity scene exhibition can be visited every day until 7 January from 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., only on 25 and 31 December, closing at 5:00 p.m.

Entrance to the exhibition is free and access is under the left arm of Bernini's Colonnade.

“The edition intends to celebrate the memory of the 800th anniversary of St. Francis, the first depiction of the Nativity, which St. Francis realized He lived in the town a few kilometers from Rieti at Christmas 1223.”

More than 120 nativity scenes will be displayed in the exhibition, coming from 22 countries around the world: Italy, Croatia, Spain, Germany, Ukraine, Ireland, San Marino, Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, United States, Austria, Russia, Colombia, Taiwan, Venezuela, the Philippines, Guatemala and Paraguay.
A mechanized nativity scene will be on display, one carved in the shape of a classic wooden coffee machine, others sewn from fabric, as well as pieces from collections, such as the nativity scene from the Ulma family museum, from Poland.
Various bodies and associations will also participate with their works, including the National Association of Friends of Nativity Scenes, the Città dei Presepi Association, and the Pistoia Embroidery Club. Furthermore, two nativity scenes created by the Verbania prisons and the one by Rai Vaticano will be displayed.

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